Saturday, January 24, 2009

About: Faces of Las Vegas

My name is Ben and I've lived in Las Vegas for only 2 years.  I'm a sales representative for a local business here in Las Vegas. Every day... all day, I drive around Las Vegas looking for businesses that need my companies services.  I visit every casino, restaurant, hotel or any other local business at least once every two years.  Sounds boring, but really it's not that bad.  In fact one of the things that has made my job so interesting is seeing the weird things, people, places, animals, graffiti, billboards, and pretty much everything else abnormal that you would find in a larger metropolis such as Las Vegas. 

Because I'm relatively new to Vegas, most things I see are weird to me.  I started taking pictures of each things that I thought were interesting.  Thought it'd be a good idea to make a blog about them, featuring these pictures I take.  From the good, bad, happy, sad, pretty, ugly and everything else in between. If you're face ends up on here... hope you don't mind on one hand, and congratulations on the other!

Enjoy the Faces of Las Vegas!